Total.js Platform
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Posts by tag: "email"
In this video, i demonstrate how to test your API endpoints directly in the code editor. But first
02 Apr. 2024
Total.js AppBuilder - coming soon.
07 Jan. 2021
A custom version of Total.js Flow used in IoT project.
19 Nov. 2020
Coming soon a new version of SuperAdmin!
15 Nov. 2020
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Total.js Platform
Sending Emails: A Comparative Analysis of Total.js, Express.js, and Laravel
. In this blog post, we will compare the process of sending emails in Total.js, Express.js, and Laravel, highlighting their respective advantages. We'll also delve into why Total.js is a powerful choice for email sending, considering its robust features and benefits. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of which framework or language is best suited for your email-sending needs.
05 Jul. 2023, 4 min. read
Total.js Platform
How to send plain text emails?
. Total.js offers method for quick sending of emails without HTML template. Do you know F.logmail()?
23 Nov. 2016
Total.js Platform
Total.js Platform news and tutorials