Total.js Platform
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In this video, i demonstrate how to test your API endpoints directly in the code editor. But first
02 Apr. 2024
Total.js AppBuilder - coming soon.
07 Jan. 2021
A custom version of Total.js Flow used in IoT project.
19 Nov. 2020
Coming soon a new version of SuperAdmin!
15 Nov. 2020
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Total.js Platform
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!
. Let us reflect on the achievements of 2024, celebrate the milestones we’ve reached together, and share a glimpse of what’s ahead in 2025.
22 Dec. 2024, 4 min. read
Total.js Platform
Performance Testing: Total.js vs. Koa
. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive performance comparison between Total.js and Koa, two lightweight frameworks designed for performance and simplicity.
04 Dec. 2024, 4 min. read
Total.js Platform
Total.js V5: Schemas and Actions
. Schemas and actions are powerful tools in Total.js V5, giving developers full control over how data flows through their application. Schemas manage incoming data, ensuring validation and proper structuring, while actions are responsible for executing the logic tied to this data. Combined, they form a crucial part of any Total.js application.
26 Nov. 2024, 5 min. read
Total.js Platform
Total.js V5: Dynamic websocket routing
. Dynamic WS routing works similarly to dynamic HTTP routing, where certain parts of the URL are treated as variables.
09 Sep. 2024, 4 min. read
Total.js Platform
Total.js V5: Websocket Routing
. In this post, we’re stepping into the universe of real-time communications with WebSocket routing.
09 Sep. 2024, 5 min. read
Total.js Platform
Data Caching for fast loading Total.js Apps
. Unlock the potential of Total.js with FILECACHE, a powerful file caching mechanism designed to optimize data performance. This feature-rich tool seamlessly integrates into Total.js applications, offering efficient data caching capabilities that enhance speed and efficiency. Discover how FILECACHE simplifies data management, accelerates application performance, and boosts overall productivity, making it an indispensable asset for Total.js developers.
25 May. 2024, 8 min. read
Total.js Platform
Installing Total.js v5: A Comprehensive Guide
. Step-by-step guide to install Total.js v5
19 Apr. 2024, 5 min. read
Total.js Platform
Building a CRUD API with Total.js: A Step-by-Step Guide
. Discover the power of Total.js, a robust web application framework for Node.js, through this step-by-step guide to building a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API. Learn the essentials, from setting up the project and defining API routes to creating a 'Books' schema and testing the API. The post also dives into testing API routing for WebSockets, providing a comprehensive resource for Total.js enthusiasts. Explore the additional documentation for in-depth insights into API routing mechanisms.
19 Feb. 2024, 3 min. read
Total.js Platform
JavaScript Unveiled Prototypes #02: Array.async()
. For developers leveraging the power of the Total.js framework, a robust tool awaits — Array.sync(). This unique utility, not native to JavaScript but crafted by Total.js, introduces an innovative approach to handling asynchronous tasks efficiently. Before we delve into examples, let's ensure your environment is set up correctly.
09 Jan. 2024, 2 min. read
Total.js Platform
Javascript unreveiled prototypes #01: Array.wait()
. In the Total.js framework, developers are granted an exceptional tool for managing asynchronous operations within arrays — Array.wait(). This utility, not native to JavaScript but crafted by Total.js, introduces a novel way to handle asynchronous tasks efficiently.
04 Jan. 2024, 2 min. read
Total.js Platform
The Best Node.js Framework for Scalable AI Apps in 2024
. In the dynamic landscape of AI-driven applications, choosing the right framework is crucial for success. As we step into 2024, one Node.js framework has emerged as the frontrunner, redefining the way we build scalable and intelligent applications – Total.js.
14 Dec. 2023, 5 min. read
Total.js Platform
Boosting Total.js Application Performance: Mastering Clusterization
. One potent tool in this quest is Total.js, an exceptional framework that supports clusterization for supercharging performance. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Total.js clusterization and unveil its potential to elevate your application's performance.
07 Dec. 2023, 4 min. read
Total.js Platform
Revolutionizing File Handling in Total.js with ROUTE(FILE ...)
. In this blog post, we will explore how to handle file uploads and routing for custom files in Total.js.
04 Dec. 2023, 2 min. read
Total.js Platform
View Engines: A Comparative Analysis of Express.js, Laravel, and Total.js
. Selecting the right view engine can significantly impact productivity and overall performance. In this blog post, we will compare the view engines of three popular frameworks: Express.js, Laravel, and Total.js. While all three frameworks offer their unique advantages, it's essential to consider the specific requirements of your project before making a decision.
27 Jul. 2023, 3 min. read
Total.js Platform
Total.js Platform news and tutorials